But there was something else, too. Not hard evidence, but it made me wonder. 但还有些别的东西,虽没有确凿的证据,却让我心生疑惑。
The police have several theories about the case, but no hard evidence. 警方对这个案件有好几种分析,但都缺乏确实的证据。
Today, scientific research in both Asia and the west is providing hard evidence for the health benefits long associated with drinking green tea. 长久以来,人们都将饮用绿茶与健康联系起来,如今亚洲和西方的科学研究正为此提供了有力的证据。
But there wasn't hard evidence in humans to support the claim, study authors said. 但论文作者称,以往的人体试验中并没有支持这种说法的有力证据。
Yet it presents little hard evidence to support its recommendations. 然而这份报告却没有什么强有力的证据来支持“威胁说”。
Do you have any hard evidence to back that theory? 你有什么让人信服的证据证明它吗?
Have you really hard evidence that your people suspect a leak? 你是否有确凿的证据证明你们的人怀疑有人泄了密?
We need some hard evidence to support our claim. 我们需要一些确凿的证据来支持我们的说法。
It is not hard to find hard evidence on the ground of the change. 这种变化的证据不难发现。
Only my mother could provide hard evidence of old wives'tales coming true. 只有我的母亲为旧式妻子做了艰辛的注解,神话变成了现实。
This is all presupposition& we must wait until we have some hard evidence. 这都是假定&我们必须等到有确凿的证据。
Can any excursions outside of the process window be justified and supported with hard evidence and logical analysis? 是否任何超出制程窗口标准的偏移都有经过证明并有有力的证据与逻辑分析作为佐证?
Ask the promoter of the plan to substantiate claims with hard evidence. 请这个计划的发起者用强有力的证据证实这个宣称。
In the absence of any hard evidence, the MoD remains open-minded about these sightings. 在没有任何确凿的证据,英国国防部仍持开放态度对这些发现的。
Millions take a fish oil supplement every day to ease aching joints, but until now scientists could not find hard evidence to prove it had any real benefits. 数百万人每天通过服用鱼油补充剂来缓解关节疼痛,但目前为止,科学家还没有发现确凿的证据能够证明这样做对身体有任何真正的好处。
Until we get some hard evidence that VP8 is safe, I would be extremely cautious. 在我们得到确凿证据证明VP8是安全的之前,我会非常谨慎。
There is no hard evidence to support this. 没有铁证支持这一点。
They are reluctant to prosecute without any hard evidence. 他们不愿意在没有确凿证据的情况下起诉。
Hard evidence for this has still not been fully documented. 有关此事的确凿证据尚未记录在案。
Since your word is worthless you would have to show us, the citizens of the United States, some hard evidence that you didn't know that this statement was a lie. 如此情形,言词已毫无价值了,那就必须要有事件或行动作为强有力的证词,向美国公民证实你不知道讲的是一个谎言。
There is little hard evidence on these issues, but lots of urban myths built out of anecdotal experience. 在这些问题上并没有什么确凿的证据,但有许多从坊间经验衍生出来的都市神话。
Although the hard evidence of experiment can destroy a theory, no amount of experimental verification can "prove" a theory. 虽然实验的铁证可以毁掉一种理论,但实验证据再多也证明不了一个理论。
The first hard evidence of psychoactive drug use in the ancient Andes has been discovered in mummies'hair, a new study says. 一个新的研究显示,古老的安迪山脉一带曾使用精神类药物已经在木乃伊的头发上找到有力的证据。
As shown by the new report, vigorous climate policies can be supported by hard evidence and should therefore be expected by everyone& developed and developing nations alike. 正如这份新的报告所展示的,坚实的证据可以支持有力的气候政策,而发展中国家和发达国家的所有人因此都应该期待着这种政策的到来。
However, for those seeking hard evidence of what this summit signifies, it may be a damp squib. 然而,对那些试图为这场峰会的意义寻找确凿证据的人而言,它或许会是一门哑炮。
But there is now hard evidence which shows that the warming is not only real. It's accelerating. 但是现在的数据表明,全球变暖不仅真的在发生,而且正在加速。
The collective judgment of the group is a valid means to assess competency if everyone involved presents hard evidence. 集体判断是评估能力的好方法,如果每个与会者都提出严格证据。
There is already some hard evidence of a weakening in the job market. 已经有一些确凿的证据表明就业市场正在走软。
We have no hard evidence to indicate that he is the culprit. 我们没有确凿的证据证明他是罪犯。